Those who are interested in hosting future editions of CFK, please email to with details.
Coming onto the rules for the event:
- Prepare kid-friendly dishes using Veggies / Fruits or both together. The important part is that it should be kid-friendly, healthy and with less fat and post it on your blog anytime from now until December 15th. Salads with some cooking and dressings are allowed.
- Send an email to kitchenchronicles1[AT]gmail[DOT]com with the following details:
- Subject: CFK-Veggies and Fruits
- Your name
- Recipe name
- URL of the post
- A picture of the dish(300 px x 300 px):File name of picture should be recipe name
- Please link back to this page and Sharmi's site. Feel free to use the logo.
- Any number of entries are welcome, please repost and link back to old entries.
- Non-bloggers can email your entries along with a picture.
Also send your entries for RCI - Mumbai (Last Date : 5th December)
Will be posting the roundup of Think Spice - Think Red Chillies in a day or two. Sorry for the delay.