MEC Event was a long awaited event by me to host it at Kitchen Chronicles here. At last have it here for this month. Thanks a lot to dear Srivalli for this opportunity, who had started this great event. I have chosen the theme Calcium Rich Foods.
We all know to some extent that Calcium is very important in our day to day food. But how much is it important is the question. It is very important for growing children and also equally important for all the adults, men and women. So we give a lot importance for calcium in our foods. But for this calcium to be absorbed in our body we need an essential Vitamin i.e. Vitamin D. So we have to give importance to both Calcium and Vitamin D. You can find some information on Calcium here. Please go through it since it gives a lot of vital information.
Since this event is specially for Microwave Cooked Foods, cook up some special Calcium Rich Food or Vitamin D Rich foods in your Microwave. Post the recipe and the instructions in your blog.Then send it to me @kitchenchronicles1(at)gmail(dot)com along with a picture attachment (essential).
Now here are some points to be remembered.
- The dish should be completely cooked using Microwave only, no cooking or preparation should be done on stove top.
- The entries should compulsorily be linked my announcement page i.e. here and to Srivalli's MEC post. (http://cooking4allseasons. ).announcing-microwave-easy- cooking-event.html - Multiple recipes are permitted.
- Recipes submitted to other events are also permitted.
- Recipes from archives are accepted ONLY if updated as current posts.
- Use of logo is very much appreciated.
Non-bloggers, please send your entries with your recipe to me kitchenchronicles1atgmaildotcom.
Last but not least the last date to receive entries is 31st May, 2011.
Here is a link to help you all to cook some mouth-watering Calcium Rich Dishes. Please note that the dish should be cooked 100% using Microwave only. So please all of you cook up some, easy and fast Microwave Calcium Rich recipes and send them to me before 31st May.